2024 DBX Clay Shooting Event
Friday, May 10th
Middletown Sportsmens Club 6943 Michael Rd. Middletown, OH 45042
Join us for a fun day of networking, good food and of course Sporting Clays!
10:00 AM Registration & Issuing of Ammo, Ammo Pouch, Eye/Ear Protection 10:30 AM Team Pairing, Scoring Instruction and Head to Range 1:00 PM Lunch & Winners Announced 2:00 PM Event Over. Attendees can stay and continue shooting on their own.
Prizes awarded to the 1st place team and High Individual Score!!
DBX always appreciates their sponsors!!
Ammo Sponsor $500 Ammo Pouch Sponsor $300 Lunch Sponsor $300 Eye/Ear Protection Sponsor $125 Prize Sponsor $250
Registration is $225 per person and includes the following: Ammo Ammo Pouch Eye/Ear Protection Club fee of $35 Lunch & Beverages
Click HERE to learn more about Middletown Sportsmens Club